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Blue Heron Spray Playground Temporarily Closed for Repairs
Bartlett Aquatic Center Fully Open
Autumn Registration Open
Athletic Field Conditions

turtle race

General Information

The Bartlett Parks Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization created in 2002 to help support the mission of the Bartlett Park District for items that are not usually financed by tax dollars. These items include funding Free To Be Me Inclusive Playground, Resident Financial Aid Scholarships, environmental educational programs, artwork for the community, and other charitable activities. The Foundation is led by a Board of Trustees comprised of active civic members of the community who are appointed to a three-year term. We encourage community members to join in by becoming members of the foundation to assist with running events, recruiting other members, contacting benefactors, and spreading the word about the foundation. For more information about the Bartlett Parks Foundation contact us or call 630-540-4824.