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Free Ladies Night Out in BCC Oak Room Th, Oct. 10 6-9pm
Free 3 Aces Concert at Villa Olivia Th, Oct. 10 6-8pm
Athletic Field Conditions

photo of Snake


The Nature Center offers nature studies for preschool and day cares that inspire children to engage in nature related activities. PreK-12 programs are designed to follow the specifications of the Illinois State Board of Education. Programs are geared to encourage active participation by the students through hands-on activities and outdoor exploration. These are held on site or at your facility. Custom programs can also be developed.

Resource Trunks

Resource Trunks are available for loan filled with materials, guides, activity books, artifacts and numerous other items for your use. Trunks are provided by The Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Education these Resource Trunks correlate to the Illinois Learning Standards and the Illinois Early Learning Standards. Trunks can be loaned one at a time for one week and must be picked up and returned to the Bartlett Nature Center. A two week advance notice is advised to reserve a Resource Trunk.

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