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Summer Camp and Spring Program registration begins March 3 for residents and March 10 for regular. The Spring Program Guide will be placed on the website February 19th and postal delivery begins that week.
If you are planning to register online, please complete your Bartlett Park District online account by February 24.

Specialty Day Camps

Spring Break Camp at BCC

This camp will involve gym time, board games, card games, arts and crafts, movies, and daily swimming at Splash Central. A decision regarding the camp will be made five days before the scheduled camp day. For additional information, please contact Andrew Wenz at

Grade:  K-6th
Min/Max:  6/30
Drop Off: BCC Gym Court 1
Pick Up: BCC Arts & Craft Room
Required: Comfortable play clothes, tennis shoes, morning snack, sack lunch, towel, and a water bottle.

Register for Spring Break Camp at BCC

ID#   Date Days Time Fee Res/Reg
40561-01 March 31-April 4 Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:30pm $180/$190
40561-02 March 31 Monday 8:30am-3:30pm $40/$45
40561-03 April 1 Tuesday 8:30am-3:30pm $40/$45
40561-04 April 2 Wednesday 8:30am-3:30pm $40/$45
40561-05 April 3 Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm $40/$45
40561-06 April 4 Friday 8:30am-3:30pm $40/$45

Extended Spring Break Camp at BCC

This program is offered to any child registered in the Spring Break Camp and is ideal for those parents needing a later pickup time. A healthy snack will be provided.

Register for Extended Spring Break Camp at BCC

ID#   Date Days Time Fee Res/Reg
40561-07 March 31-April 4 Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30pm $60/$70
40561-08 March 31 Monday  3:30-5:30pm $13/$16
40561-09 April 1 Tuesday  3:30-5:30pm $13/$16
40561-10 April 2 Wednesday  3:30-5:30pm $13/$16
40561-11 April 3 Thursday  3:30-5:30pm $13/$16
40561-12 April 4 Friday  3:30-5:30pm $13/$16


Spring Break Nature Camp at Bartlett Nature Center

Dive into the wonders of nature with our action-packed program, which includes science experiments, up-close animal encounters, DIY projects, and adventurous hikes in the state park. Be prepared to get messy and take (small) risks as we learn through science, technology, math and engineering. Dress for the weather, bring a lunch, snack, and water bottle.

Grade:  K-6th
Min/Max:  7/12
Location: Bartlett Nature Center, 2054 W. Stearns Rd, James “Pate” Philip State Park
Required: Dress for the weather, snack, sack lunch, and a water bottle.

Register for Spring Break Nature Camp

ID#   Date Days Time Fee
48515-01 March 31-April 4 Monday-Friday 9am-3pm $175

Spring Break Nature: Before Camp

This program is offered to any child registered in the Spring Break Nature Camp.

Register for Before Spring Break Nature Camp

ID#   Date Days Time Fee
48514-01 March 31-April 4 Monday-Friday 7:30-9am $45

Spring Break Nature: After Camp

This program is offered to any child registered in the Spring Break Nature Camp.

Register for After Spring Break Nature Camp

ID#   Date Days Time Fee
48514-02 March 31-April 4 Monday-Friday 3-6pm $65


Day Off Nature Camp: Grade K-6th

Each day will be different at Nature Camp with a variety of activities including hiking, wildlife tracking, projects, experiments, campfire cooking, and survival skills. Down time includes a movie.
Registration deadline: one week prior to class date. Dress for the weather in layers. Bring a packed lunch, snack and water bottle. Held at Bartlett Nature Center: 2054 W. Stearns Road

ID# Date Day Time Fee
48517-03 Feb. 17 M 9am-3pm $55
48517-04 Feb. 28 F 9am-3pm $55

Before and After Nature Camp: Grade K-6th

Ensure your camper’s day is filled with supervised fun by dropping them off early or picking them up late, with activities offered to ease into the day. Please remember to pack a nutritious breakfast or snack for your camper to enjoy during their extended stay. While cell phone usage is restricted, rest assured that in case of emergencies, our attentive staff will promptly assist and ensure the safety of your child. Please note our late pick-up policy with a nominal fee applied to ensure prompt collection of campers and adherence to schedule. Registration deadline: five days prior to camp date. Held at Bartlett Nature Center: 2054 W. Stearns Road

ID# Date Day Time Fee
48517-07 Before Camp Feb. 17 M 7:30-9am $10
48517-08 Before Camp Feb. 28 F 7:30-9am $10


ID# Date Day Time Fee
48517-11 After Camp Feb. 17 M 3-6pm $20
48517-12 After Camp Feb. 28 F 3-6pm $20

Out and About Camp

Enjoy your school day off and head out and an unforgettable field trip. Whether it’s a nature hike, a visit to a local museum, or a day at another nature center in the area, our field trip is designed to provide a unique and enriching experience that complements the camp’s activities with hands-on learning, outdoor exploration, and opportunities for team-building. Registration deadline: One week prior to camp date or until full.

Required: Dress for the weather, bring lunch, snacks, and water
Grade: K-6th
Location: Bartlett Nature Center, 2054 W. Stearns Rd., James “Pate” Philip State Park

Register for Out and About Camp

ID# Date Day  Time Fee 
58517-01 April 17 Th 9am-3pm $75
58517-02 April 18 F 9am-3pm $75

Out and About Before and After Camp

Drop your child off early and/or pick them up late. This quiet time is to be relaxing and a stress-free enjoyment, and will not contain organized games and activities. Registration deadline: One week prior to camp date or until full.

Required: Please pack a nutritious breakfast or snack.
Grade: K-6th
Location: Bartlett Nature Cetner, 2054 W. Stearns Rd., James “Pate” Philip State Park

Register for Out and About Before and After Camp 

Before Camp 
ID# Date Day  Time  Fee 
58514-01 April 17 Th 7:30-9am $10
58514-02 April 18 F 7:30-9am $10
After Camp 
ID# Date  Day  Time  Fee 
58514-03 April 17 Th 3-6pm $15
58514-04 April 18 F 3-6pm $15


What is ePACT?

ePACT is a tool used by organizations and families to securely collect reliable and up-to-date information for all its members that can be accessed easily in cases of emergencies, big or small. This ensures better preparedness for all members of this organization.

What to do when you receive a link to ePACT?

See this link for step-by-step instructions on how to get started!
I have received an Emergency Information Request, now what do I do?

Medication Forms

If your child requires medication for camp, you will need to fill out the medication dispensing forms in ePACT.
How To – Medication Dispensing Forms